Graveyards of Illinois: Featured Sites
Cemeteries profiled here have detailed entries with multiple photos, historical and biographical information.
Dating back to 1996, this is the oldest part of, and some of these entries are a bit dated (or even broken) - but I'll work to get them migrated to the new system in 2014. Meanwhile, please enjoy this content from the dawn of the internet, and excuse any rough patches that have appeared in the past eighteen years.
City of Chicago

Rosehill Cemetery And Mausoleum
Chicago's largest cemetery holds several Chicago mayors, Civil War generals, and a Vice President.

Graceland Cemetery
The most famous cemetery in the area, Graceland contains many of 19th-century Chicago's greatest citizens - architects, mayors, and captains of industry, with the most magnificent tombs in Chicago.

Oak Woods
The South Side's historic cemetery, with Mayors Harold Washington and William Hale Thompson, physicist Enrico Fermi, Olympian Jesse Owens, and six thousand Confederate prisoners.

Bohemian National Cemetery
Chicago's Bohemian cemetery features some of the best funerary art to be found within the city, a beautiful indoor columbarium, and the assassinated Mayor Anton Cermak.

Montrose Cemetery And Crematorium
Featuring Japanese and Serbian sections, a neoclassical crematorium building, and spectacular modern monuments of black granite.

Jewish Graceland
The oldest Jewish cemetery in Chicago, dating back to 1851. Densely populated with monuments, Jewish Graceland has a timeless aura.
Cook County, North

Calvary Catholic Cemetery
Chicago's historic Catholic cemetery, established in 1859 and located on beautiful lakefront property in Evanston.
Cook County, West

Mount Carmel Catholic Cemetery
With Chicago's Archbishops and Julia Buccola Petta, whose body was incorruptible.

Waldheim Jewish Cemeteries
Over three hundred adjacent Jewish cemeteries, each with its own entrance.

A large Lutheran cemetery featuring a multitude of obelisks and angels - and an adjacent rest home's cemetery.
Cook County, South

Mount Olivet
The South side's oldest Catholic cemetery, predominantly Irish and Italian. Featuring the original Capone grave, the O'Learys, and Irish burial society monuments.

Holy Sepulchre
The late Mayor Daley, a shrine to Chicago's own Saint Frances, and "Chicago's Miracle Child".

Bachelor's Grove
Considered the "most haunted cemetery in Chicago". Small, barren, and badly vandalized, but world-famous for its numerous sightings.

Mount Hope
Immediately south of Mt. Olivet is Mount Hope, a wooded, hilly cemetery with several interesting monuments.
Northern Illinois

Graveyards Of Barrington
Evergreen Cemetery in the Village of Barrington, and haunted White Cemetery.

St Johannes And Rest Haven
Two very old cemeteries, one a former churchyard, on the grounds of O'Hare airport.