ABRAHAM LINCOLN - President of the United States

Mary Todd Lincoln

Mary Todd was born in Kentucky, moving to Springfield Illinois at the age of 21. She became the wife of the future president in 1842, after having dated both him and his great rival Stephen Douglas. She bore four children: Robert (1843), Edward (1846), William (1850) and Thomas (1853); but outlived all of them except Robert.

The Lincolns purchased a house in Springfield and resided there, with the exception of Mr. Lincoln's one term in congress (1846-1849), until Mr. Lincoln won the Presidency and departed for Washington in 1861.

The First Lady was with her husband when he was shot in Ford's Theatre on April 14th, 1865. She stayed with him as he lay dying through the night. After the funeral train brought Abraham and William Lincolns' bodies home to Springfield, Mary and Thomas (Tad) moved to Chicago. They spent some time in Germany after that, then returned to Chicago; Tad died shortly thereafter.

Mary's behaviour grew more and more eccentric, and caused conflict between her and her surviving son Robert, now a successful attorney. She was declared insane, and spent four months in a sanitarium in Batavia, Illinois. After several years living in the house of Governor Ninian Edwards, Mary Todd Lincoln died in 1882.

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