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Springdale Cemetery, Peoria

Springdale Cemetery, Peoria:Octave Chanute

Octave Chanute (born 18 February 1832) was a distinguished and brilliant railroad engineer, designer of the Chicago Stockyards and Kansas City Stockyards, and the Hannibal Bridge over the Missouri River, among other great works.

From his retirement in 1889 ownwards, Chanute turned to the advancement of the science of aviation, publishing articles in engineering journals. Alongside other aviation pioneers, Chanute designed and built experimental gliders. He supported and encouraged the Wright brothers, who were ultimately successful in achieving powered flight.

Octave Chanute died in Chicago, 23 November 1910. Chanute Field in Rantoul, Illinois, was named for him, later becoming the Chanute Air Force Base, and, after decommissioning, became the Chanute Air Museum.

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