Graceland Cemetery
Graceland Cemetery is one of Chicago's best-known and most historic cemeteries. It was established in 1860, originally outside city limits, but engulfed as the city grew northward. The original City Cemetery was on the lake front, and was considered a health hazard due to overcrowding and water-borne diseases. The bodies were moved to nearby Graceland in the town of Lake View, with the old city cemetery becoming what is now Lincoln Park. Graceland is on the north side of Chicago, with its main entrance at the corner of Clark and Irving Park roads, extending north and east from that point. Graceland's office is just inside the main gate at the southwest corner. Within, free maps and pamphlets are available, as well as a $7 book published by the Chicago Architecture Foundation, A Walk Through Graceland Cemetery. |
© 1996-2005 Matt Hucke
All content (text and photographs) by Matt Hucke, unless otherwise indicated.